JR 4721 - Ultra-Torque Servo


Source: Most data comes from the manufacturer but some data is sourced from our loyal community.

Last Updated: 2024-08-17
Modulation: Analog
Torque: 4.8V: 119.00 oz-in (8.57 kg-cm)
6.0V: 140.00 oz-in (10.08 kg-cm)
Speed: 4.8V: 0.22 sec/60°
6.0V: 0.19 sec/60°
Weight: 1.72 oz (48.8 g)
Dimensions: Length:1.52 in (38.6 mm)
Width:0.73 in (18.5 mm)
Height:1.32 in (33.5 mm)
Motor Type: Coreless
Gear Type: Plastic
Rotation/Support: Dual Bearings
Rotational Range: (add)
Pulse Cycle: (add)
Pulse Width: (add)
Connector Type: JR
JR 4721

Brand: JR
Product Number: JRPS4721
Discontinued? Yes
Typical Price: 84.99 USD
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Reviews of JR 4721 (2)

  • Rating:

    Application(s): 90 size nitro helicopter cyclic servo

    Comments: I used same servo long ago in a 30 size trainer for aileron control and during the flight the servo was stuck. same problem I experience again with my 90 size nitro heli and cyclic servo stuck again. after investigation after removal the gears I found that the motor was dragging with hand spin. Previously with the trainer mentioned above same problem was occurred and after dismantling the motor found the cores were damaged and contacting with magnates. I feel this was very unpredictable failure and could cause a model to be crashed without any sign of malfunctioning.

  • Rating:

    Application(s): Collective control for Raptor 60 helicopter

    Comments: This servo got a workout about every weekend for a year on my Raptor 60 and I never had any complaints. Solid servo.

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