CYS S2220 Servo


Last Updated: 2025-01-26
Modulation: Digital
Torque: 6.0V: 249.97 oz-in (18.00 kg-cm)
7.4V: 277.75 oz-in (20.00 kg-cm)
Speed: 6.0V: 0.14 sec/60°
7.4V: 0.13 sec/60°
Weight: 2.26 oz (64.0 g)
Dimensions: Length:1.58 in (40.1 mm)
Width:0.79 in (20.1 mm)
Height:1.53 in (38.8 mm)
Motor Type: Coreless
Gear Type: Titanium
Rotation/Support: (add)
Rotational Range: (add)
Pulse Cycle: (add)
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CYS S2220

Brand: CYS
Product Number: CYS-S2220
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Reviews of CYS S2220 (2)

  • Rating:

    Application(s): Axail Wraith Steering servo front for crawler. mounted with 2 or 3 inch arm and used to dump the bed of a Tonka truck.

    Comments: I have used and abused this servo over the years off and on and I was never in a situation where I needed more. I will mention that most need a BEC to run without brownouts. VERY WELL MADE AND AM TESTING THIS THROUGH ASIATEES.COM DISCOUNTED ITEM BUT WILL PURCHASE AGAIN ANY DAY, I JUST HAVEN'T NEEDED TO. thanks CYS

  • Rating:

    Application(s): 1 as an RC crawler steering servo 1 as an RC car servo winch

    Comments: I find them very affordable and attractive when I read they have titanium gears - however, sadly, only yesterday one of them lost it's gearing :( Steering servo only working to one side. Will not return to center from one side!! Very unexpected!!

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