Application(s): Backup in case of failure of better servo.
Comments: At the price point this isn't worth it, if it were being sold at say 5 dollars for applications in something very small say, ringing a bell from an Arduino it wouldn't be bad.
This servo arrived on a used T4 that I purchased on ebay. I have since upgraded the T4 to a seriously BEEFED up SC10.1 FT and this was used MEARLY as a backup, however, I used the spare parts plus a bunch of other hopped up parts to replace the spares i was using to build the third car and am going to use this until it breaks again, or until I can recover from the spending spree and get another CYS for my main SC10.1. At that point my 20kg/cm CYS-S2220 will go into my step sons truck and I will get the new CYS-BLS9125. Partly because its fast and strong at 25kg/cm and 0.09 sec/20deg I could have gone with the 9120 which was 0.08 at 20kg/cm but I chose to split the difference between the 20 and the 30kg units. OH and they are fully titanium geared and have bearings in them, the S22XX series uses a coreless motor and the BLS91XX use brushless motors. The S22XX series can be had at a similar price point, from around 20 to 30 dollars on ebay out of china. The BLS91XX series run 60-80 dollars out of china and the BLS91XX series is what appears to be a fully anodized grey case which is awesome because it matches all the other anodized aluminum that is in my truck already! Yes I am forking out an extra 30 dollars mainly for the case and a slightly stronger faster servo.
While I could get a savox for around 120 that has similar stats it is not fully titanium and no guarantees of a gray case which was a major sales point to me. Black would be acceptable though.
I have a suspission that the CYS may be clones of the Savox, or at least are made to look like them, I don't know this for sure, but... Honestly if the Savox was made in the USA and was gray i would probably get it regardless of the price.