Hitec HS-85MG - Premium MG Micro Servo


Source: Most data comes from the manufacturer but some data is sourced from our loyal community.

Modulation: Analog
Torque: 4.8V: 42.00 oz-in (3.02 kg-cm)
6.0V: 49.00 oz-in (3.53 kg-cm)
Speed: 4.8V: 0.16 sec/60°
6.0V: 0.14 sec/60°
Weight: 0.77 oz (21.8 g)
Dimensions: Length:1.14 in (29.0 mm)
Width:0.51 in (13.0 mm)
Height:1.18 in (30.0 mm)
Motor Type: 3-pole
Gear Type: Metal
Rotation/Support: Single Bearing
Rotational Range: (add)
Pulse Cycle: 20 ms
Pulse Width: 900-2100 µs
Connector Type: (add)
Hitec HS-85MG

Brand: Hitec
Product Number: 32085S
Typical Price: 29.95 USD
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Reviews of Hitec HS-85MG (4)

  • Rating:

    Application(s): Slope soarers

    Comments: Slope soarers can take a pounding in heavy landings (such as I have demonstrated too often!). I have broken plenty of clevises, control horns and even servo arms. But I have never broken a Hitec HS85-MG.

  • Rating:

    Application(s): Steering Servo 1/16 E-REVO Brushless

    Comments: I have gone through 2 of these is less than 3 batteries being ran through a 1/16 E-Revo VXL. I was not bashing the truck. I was at my local track. Both times the same, ONE plastic gear that is in the case has stripped. I contacted Hitec to see if I would be able to get a FULL METAL GEAR set and they said it is not available for this model. I'm doing research to find a better servo.

  • Rating:

    Application(s): Various fast moulded gliders, powered planes etc

    Comments: Very, very reliable. Very, very strong. I have crashed these so many times and they never strip, never fail. These servos really cannot be faulted - except that some people feel they a rather boring servo, no digital bling or anything like that. They simply get on with working really well.

  • Rating:

    Application(s): 1:16 erevo vxl

    Comments: probably one of the best alternative servo for the erevo vxl quick ,responsive and powerful enough to steer the little beast!!!

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