Hitec HS-5245MG - Digital Mighty Mini MG Servo


Source: Most data comes from the manufacturer but some data is sourced from our loyal community.

Modulation: Digital
Torque: 4.8V: 61.00 oz-in (4.39 kg-cm)
6.0V: 76.00 oz-in (5.47 kg-cm)
Speed: 4.8V: 0.15 sec/60°
6.0V: 0.12 sec/60°
Weight: 1.12 oz (31.8 g)
Dimensions: Length:1.27 in (32.3 mm)
Width:0.66 in (16.8 mm)
Height:1.22 in (31.0 mm)
Motor Type: Brushed
Gear Type: Metal
Rotation/Support: Dual Bearings
Rotational Range: (add)
Pulse Cycle: 20 ms
Pulse Width: 900-2100 µs
Connector Type: (add)
Hitec HS-5245MG

Brand: Hitec
Product Number: 35245S
Typical Price: 49.99 USD
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Reviews of Hitec HS-5245MG (5)

  • Rating:

    Application(s): 500 size electric helicopters, gliders .....

    Comments: Great servo, ignore the reviews from people who are burning them up as its user error and not the servo. High power digital servos require more skill to install as they need a perfectly smooth control system, if there is any binding at all the servo will destroy itself trying to center. If you have difficulty building clean smoothly operating control systems then you should stick to old school analog servos as they tolerate binding control systems much better

  • Rating:

    Application(s): hk 500 gt heli servo motor burn out for no good reason save your money do your homework

    Comments: servo did not last very long under good conditions

  • Rating:

    Application(s): steering servo for electric 1/14th scale

    Comments: I run a Kemora built for on-road carpet racing and this servo has worked excellent so far...a big step up from the OEM servo which was pretty weak.

    The other 2 reviewers had issues and I see the 1st one ran this in a 1/10 scale buggy and the other ran a 18' airplane?
    Its a mini servo guys. Do your homework.

  • Rating:

    Application(s): Flap and inner airleron on 6 metre Modeltehnik Ventus 2 CX glider

    Comments: These servos were recommended. I was running them at 6V through an Emcotec DPRI MV power board and burnt three out in a week for no obvious reason. Have subsequently heard that this was common experience and I've now replaced the Hitec HS 5245 MG servos with MKS servos instead. Shame as I use Hitec on all my planes and this was the first bad experience.

  • Rating:

    Application(s): Kyosho Original Ultima Buggy (1984) - my retro build. Steering servo.

    Comments: Buyer beware. Mine went bad, motor burned up. I am not the only one, Google this servo, you'll see. Bad example of a HITEC servo.

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