Hitec HS-5085MG - Digital Premium MG Micro Servo


Source: Most data comes from the manufacturer but some data is sourced from our loyal community.

Last Updated: 2024-08-15
Modulation: Digital
Torque: 4.8V: 50.00 oz-in (3.60 kg-cm)
6.0V: 60.00 oz-in (4.32 kg-cm)
Speed: 4.8V: 0.17 sec/60°
6.0V: 0.13 sec/60°
Weight: 0.77 oz (21.8 g)
Dimensions: Length:1.14 in (29.0 mm)
Width:0.51 in (13.0 mm)
Height:1.18 in (30.0 mm)
Motor Type: 3-pole
Gear Type: Metal
Rotation/Support: Single Bearing
Rotational Range: (add)
Pulse Cycle: 20 ms
Pulse Width: 900-2100 µs
Connector Type: (add)
Hitec HS-5085MG

Brand: Hitec
Product Number: 35085S
Discontinued? Yes
Typical Price: 35.74 USD
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Reviews of Hitec HS-5085MG (6)

  • Rating:

    Application(s): I used it on a micro magic sailboat as an arm winch. I used a small LiFe battery with it and only got maybe 10-12 races out of it. Should I be using a fully charged LiFe battery 800mah?

    Comments: This is the second servo that expired, last one smoked the interior of the boat and it still stinks...

  • Rating:

    Application(s): Elevator and rudder servo for 2.5m composite glider; all control surfaces on 1m aerobatic biplane

    Comments: I can definitely confirm the poor centering of these servos at the moment.
    About five years ago, I bought four of these for a 1-Meter aearobatic biplane. All four centered perfectly and are still in flawless condition today.
    Just recently though, I bought five new ones, and not a single one centered properly - returned all of them to the retailer.
    What's going on with Hitec's quality control?

  • Rating:

    Application(s): Tried to use it on a 3D plane.

    Comments: This servo does absolutely nothing as advertised. You can't program the end points (witch was the whole reason why I got them) I got 5 of them and only one centered ok. The other 4 were the worst centering servos I have ever had. Save your money and put the analog hs-85 mg servos in your project instead. I hade the same problem with there 5087 servo none centered out of 5 and couldn't program end points. I'm realy disappointed with hitec on these servos. They never should of made it to production.

  • Rating:

    Application(s): 30-size electric 3D-plane, EF-Extra 300 48"

    Comments: First I used HS-81 servos plastic gears on ailerons and metal gears on rud and elev, had gear stripes on both air servos twice, some damage to the wing, changed to 5085 for all 4 places, oh man what a difference, many many flight's on that setup and thay are very strong, all maneuvers works great with the extreme throws on this plane!

  • Rating:

    Application(s): Simple servo arm movement, no load

    Comments: This servo should be compatible with the HPP-21 programmer to set end points (EPA). After many fresh installs of the HPP-21 software, successfully validating the HPP operations with a HS-M7990TH $250 servo), the little HS-5085MG choked and produced a "Runtime 6" error. SERVO IS NOW TOAST. 30 mins w Hitec support consistently led to "must be windows". Look up that error guys, it all points back to bad VB programming...very disappointed.

  • Rating:

    Application(s): traxxas 1/16 e-revo

    Comments: this isn't all metal servo. there is a plastic gear that strips way too easily. avoid it. customer service replaced it with no issues, but it stripped after 5min run.

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