Ace RC C0915 - Micro Servo


Last Updated: 2024-11-18
Modulation: Analog
Torque: 4.8V: 20.80 oz-in (1.50 kg-cm)
6.0V: 26.40 oz-in (1.90 kg-cm)
Speed: 4.8V: 0.10 sec/60°
6.0V: 0.08 sec/60°
Weight: 0.32 oz (9.1 g)
Dimensions: Length:0.87 in (22.1 mm)
Width:0.45 in (11.4 mm)
Height:0.93 in (23.6 mm)
Motor Type: (add)
Gear Type: Plastic
Rotation/Support: Single Bearing
Rotational Range: (add)
Pulse Cycle: (add)
Pulse Width: (add)
Connector Type: (add)
Ace RC C0915

Brand: Ace RC
Product Number: (add)
Discontinued? Yes
Typical Price: 30.99 USD
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Reviews of Ace RC C0915 (2)

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  • Rating:

    Application(s): Thunder Tiger mini Titan E325S FBL Tail

    Comments: This servo has not lasted more than 40 flights. I first noticed that it was not running smoothly during preflights.

    I have replaced it with a Servox servo.

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