Hitec HS-65MG - Mighty MG Feather Servo


Source: Most data comes from the manufacturer but some data is sourced from our loyal community.

Modulation: Analog
Torque: 4.8V: 25.00 oz-in (1.80 kg-cm)
6.0V: 31.00 oz-in (2.23 kg-cm)
Speed: 4.8V: 0.14 sec/60°
6.0V: 0.11 sec/60°
Weight: 0.42 oz (11.9 g)
Dimensions: Length:0.92 in (23.4 mm)
Width:0.45 in (11.4 mm)
Height:0.94 in (23.9 mm)
Motor Type: 3-pole
Gear Type: Metal
Rotation/Support: Single Bearing
Rotational Range: (add)
Pulse Cycle: 20 ms
Pulse Width: 900-2100 µs
Connector Type: (add)
Hitec HS-65MG

Brand: Hitec
Product Number: 32065S
Typical Price: 35.00 USD
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Reviews of Hitec HS-65MG (4)

  • Rating:

    Application(s): Align 450 heli and some park flyers

    Comments: These are strong servos for their size, but they're not perfect. Several in my park flyers have picked up jittering in their neutral position (probably dirty pots) and it may or may not be worth trying to disassemble for cleaning. The 450 heli is another matter... for a flybarred heli, no problem. But for a flybarless heli I would definitely steer clear. They can't handle the constant ultra fast micro-centering reversing that a FBL controller imposes. Ask me how I know... I've melted the motor wires on two so far, and I'm not a hardcore 3D pilot.

  • Rating:

    Application(s): Three cyclic servos on Blade 450 3D

    Comments: Crashed my 450 and stripped my 3 cyclic servos in one go. Swapped out all servos with the Hitec HS65GM's and my 450 has never flown better. Even if your out of the box servos are still good on your Blade 450 swap them out with the Hitecs and you will notice the difference straight away. They made that 450 even better. 3 HS65GMs for the cyclic and a HSG5084MG on the tail and you cant go wrong.

  • Rating:

    Application(s): Used the HS-65MG for the Blade 450 Helicopter

    Comments: I changed out the factory servos that came with the Blade 450. The HS-65MG are a very good replacement for this Heli. The servos are very strong and have not stripped out due to several crashes.
    I highly recommend these servos!

  • Rating:

    Application(s): Smaller power planes, various gliders

    Comments: Very reliable as well as strong. These are much tougher than cheaper park flyer servos. I have crashed these many times and they never strip, never fail. These servos really cannot be faulted. There are cheaper alternatives, of course, but if you want a really good smallish analog servo these are the ones.

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