Align DS510 - Digital Mini Servo


Source: Most data comes from the manufacturer but some data is sourced from our loyal community.

Last Updated: 2024-09-19
Modulation: Digital
Torque: 4.8V: 51.38 oz-in (3.70 kg-cm)
6.0V: 63.88 oz-in (4.60 kg-cm)
Speed: 4.8V: 0.13 sec/60°
6.0V: 0.11 sec/60°
Weight: 0.91 oz (25.9 g)
Dimensions: Length:1.38 in (35.0 mm)
Width:0.59 in (15.0 mm)
Height:1.15 in (29.2 mm)
Motor Type: Coreless
Gear Type: Plastic
Rotation/Support: Dual Bearings
Rotational Range: (add)
Pulse Cycle: (add)
Pulse Width: (add)
Connector Type: (add)
Align DS510

Brand: Align
Product Number: HSD51002
Discontinued? Yes
Typical Price: 49.99 USD
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Reviews of Align DS510 (5)

  • Rating:

    Application(s): Used this servo for swash on T rex 500 for more than 500 flights, wihtout metal gear, super servo, newer had any problems, excellent servo.

    Comments: Align Ds 510 Strong servo precise and reliable .Super quality.

  • Rating:

    Application(s): Tail and cyclic on TREX500 and Protos 500

    Comments: Excellent servo and widely used for 500 size hells in my club. Never heard anything other than praise for these servos

  • Rating:

    Application(s): TREX 500

    Comments: As above stated are not true statements. These were due to failure of incorrect mechanical setups. Align makes a really good servo for the money and many in the hobby use these servo's without failure unless due to a crash. I personally have had zero issues with them and yes when i crashed they do strip sometimes but the rebuild kits are pretty cheap. Strong and fast servo's and performance achieved at half the cost compared to higher end servo's with similar spec's.

  • Rating:

    Application(s): STD servo Trex 500 cyclic

    Comments: first time i flew my Trex switching to idleup striped the servos out had to rebuild to metal

  • Rating:

    Application(s): trex500

    Comments: these servos work fine while operating. the only problem is that they posses quite some slop in the gear, which resulted in me having to adjust cyclic trim on a random basis. the trim seemed to be different from flight to flight...
    besides that they work fine, are fast and strong.

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